Contract Number DIR-CPO-4981
Vendor ID:  1311692371800
HUB Type:  Non HUB
Contract Term Start Date:  02/04/2022
Contract Term End Date:  02/04/2026
Contact Ardent Technologies Inc.
Contact:  Tamiko Lawton
Phone:  (937) 312-1345
Fax:  (937) 312-1346
Contact DIR
Contact:  Lesli Gonzalez-Parker
Phone:  (512) 803-1110
Contract Overview
Ardent Technologies Inc., offers deliverables-based information technology services (DBITS) through this contract, specifically: Technology Category 3: IT Assessments, Planning, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services. This contract is for services ONLY. No hardware or software products may be sold through a DBITS contract. Resellers are not available for this DBITS contract.

Products & Services
This contract offers the following products and services. Please contact the Vendor for the latest information.
IT Assessments, Planning, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Market Research, Procurement Advisory, and Contract Implementation Services

DIR website: Ardent Technologies Contract
Visit the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-4981 website for the contract.

How to Order
For more information on the process to be used when obtaining a worker using the DIR cooperative contract (DIR-CPO-4981) for Deliverables-Based IT Services (DBITS), please click here for SOW Instructions and link to DBITS page.

DIR Cooperative Contracts Program
For more information, please visit the following reference URL.
